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Some famous people of Murman of the XX century
Averintsev Sergey Vasilevich, (1875 - 1957), doctor of biological sciences, professor, worked at Murmasnk Biological station in Alexandrovsk (today Polyarny), in 1933 was the Head of Northern herring expedition on 'Kumzha" trawler.
Bayandin Petr Andreevich, (1907 - 1993) - doctor, member of C.P.S.U. Worked as a chief doctor of the Murmanskcity hospital ¹ 2. He has awards: Order of October Revolution (1976), Red Star (1943), "Badge of Honor" (1961), medals "For the defense of Soviet Zapolyarye" (1944), "Medal for Metorious Labour During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (1945). In 1954 Bayandin was given a rank of Honored doctor of RSFSR, in 1966 Hero of Socialistic Labor. Golovko Arceny Grigorjevich, (1906 - 1962) Soviet military leader, in 1941 - 1946 commander of the Northern Navy, in 1947 - 1950 the head of General Headquarter of Navy, in 1950 - 1952 the Head of Maritime General Headquarter , in 1956 - 1962 the first deputy of Commander-in-Chief of Navy; deputy of Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1946 - 1950, 1954 - 1958. Dugladze Ilya Ivanovich (1903 - 1972) - the veteran of fishery industry of Murman, member of C.P.S.U. since 1925. During the Patriotic War defended Zapolyarye as a memmber of Belomor military flotilla. He was decorated with 2 Orders of the Red Banner (1943, 1944), Order of the Patriotic Was (1943), medals "For the defense of the Saviet Zapolyarye" and "For sevice in battle". After demobilization he returned to the fishery industry and became the first head of "Murmanseld" (1949). Last years worked as a captain of big freezing trawlers. Egorov Alexander Alexandrovich (1902 - 1957), in 1935 - 1937 he was the captain of ÐÒ-45 "Äâèíà", in 1938 - 1940 deputy of the head of the trawl fleet, in 1941 - 1942 commander of TSH-37 of the Northern Fleet, in 1942 - 1952 captain of different vessels of trawl fleet., in 1952 began to work in "Murmanseld". Ketlinsky Kazimir Filippovich (1875 - 1918), rear admiral. Hero of Russian and Japanish War. He was decorated with golden and Order of Saint Stanislav 2 Class with swards, Order of Saint Vladimir 4 Class with swards and bow. Since 1906 flagman artillerist of headquarter of commander of detachment of the Black sea, since 1908 flagman artillerist of headquarter of commander of Naval forces of the Black Sea. Since 1913 worked as a teacher of Nickolaev maritime academy. Since 1915 flag-captain on operative part of headquarter of commander of the Black Sea and since 1916 he was a captain of "Ascold" cruiser. He worked as a head of Murmansk strengthened region. On 26th of October 1917 accepted the Soviet power He was killed in 1918. Kluge German Avgustovich (1871 - 1956), zoologizt, doctor of biological sciences. In 1908 - 1933 the director of Murmansk biologcial station. Researched flora and fauna of the Barents Sea.
Knipovich Nickolay Michailovich (1862 - 1939), Soviet zoologist, since 1935 honoured member of Academy of Science of the USSR, honoured science and technique researcher of the RSFSR, the head of Russian school of ichthyologist, the author of monographs on hydrology and trade in the Arctic Ocean, the Barents, the Caspian, the Asov and the Black Sea. Kopytov Stepan Dmitrievich (1886 - 1971), in 1920 - 1927 was the captain of ÐÒ-28 "Kambala", since 1927 ãthe captain of ÐÒ-26 "Treska", in 1935 - 1937 the captain of ÐÒ-82 "Dmitrov", since 1937 the captain of searching ÐÒ-17 "Kim", in 1939 - 1943 the deputy of the head of trade exploration, in 1943 - 1945 the head of department of fleet of Glavribprom, in 1945 - 1955 ãã., the deputy of the head of trade exploration of "Murmanriba" assosiation, new trade area is opened and named after him. Kuroedov Sergey Demjanovich(1916 - …) - member of C.P.S.U. since 1940. He worked in People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Murmasnk in 1939. In 1942 - 1944 he commanded partisan division "Soviet Murman", then he worked in the sphere of administration as a head of regional administration of internal affairs. He was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner and three medals, diploma of Presidium of Supreme Soviet of Karelo-Finish SSR.
Êuchiev Yury Sergeevich (1919 - ...), since 1971 worked as the captain of atomic icebreaker "Arctic", in 1977 reached the North Pole. Hero of Socialist Labor.
Ìaslov Vitaly Semenovich (1935 - 2001), the head of radiostation on teh firts in the world nuclear icebreaker "Lenin". Honoured citizen of Murmansk. Maslov Nickolay Antonovich (1889 - 1965), doctor of biological sciences, the head of laboratory on grounding species of fish of Polar scientific and research institute of marine farm and oceanography. The chairman of section of northern seas of Oceanographic commission Academy of science of the USSR, the chairman of Northern Atlantic section of ichtiological and oceanographic commissions. He is decorated with Orders of Lenin and Honor Sign. Ìesyatsev Ivan Illarionovich (1885 - 1940), in 1921 - 1929 the head of Plavmornin, in 1929 - 1933 the director of goin, professor; in 1922 the first marine expedition vessel "Persey" was built under his guidance; he headed a lot of large expeditions to the northern seas of the USSR; his works had a great importance for the development of trade exploration of fish. Îrlikova Valentina Yakovlena, (1915 - 1986), the only woman captain in the Murmansk trawl fleet. The Hero of Socialistic Labor. Papanin Ivan Dmitrievich (1894 - 1986) - Soviet polar researcher, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union (1937, 1940). Member of party since1919, participator of the Civil War. In 1939 he worked as a head of Glavsevmorput. In 1941 - 1945 worked as representative of State Committee of Defense of the USSR on transportation on the North. For 26 years a doctor of geographical sciences rear admiral I.D. Papanin had been heading the department of marine expedition works of Academy of Science of the USSR. Honored citizen of Murmansk. Prokofjev Andrey Prokofjevich (1900 - …) - veteran of the civil war, member of C.P.S.U. since 1919. In 1941 - 1946 worked as a director of ship repairing plant of the Murmansk State Marine Shipping Company. He was decorated with Order of Red Star, Order of the Red Banner Labour and Order of the Patriotic War 2 Class. In 1946 worked as a director of the plant in Leningrad.
Ptitsin Vladimir Nickolaevich (ðîä. 1925), in 1971 - 1988 the first secretary of the Murmansk regional committee of C.P.S.U.. Member of Central Committee of the CPSU, the deputy of teh Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
Sapanadze Platon Vasyljevich (1906 - 1978) - the veteran of fishery industry of Murman, member of C.P.S.U. since 1932. In 1938 - 1960worked in Murmansk as a director of mechanical workshops of "Murmansriba", the director of shipyard, the head of "Murmansriba", the head of Glavmurmanribprom and the department of fishery industry of Sovnarkhoz. He was a member of Murmansk regional committee and member of bureau of regional committee of C.P.S.U., the deputy of regional Council and member of Regional Executive Committee. He was decorated with Order of Red Star, Order of the Red Banner Labor, Order of the Patriotic War 2 Class and medals, also with medal "For Valour Labor". Safonov Boris Feoktistovich (1915 - 1942) opened battle accounting of fighter pilots of teh Northern fleet on the 24th of June of 1941, brought down an Nazi aircraft. He made 224 battle flights, conducted 34 air fights, brought down 25 aircrafts personally and 14 in the group. He was given a rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. He perished in the air fight on 30th of May of 1942, on 14th of July he was given the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union at the second time, but posthumously.
Sivko Ivan Michailovich (1921 - 1941) - Red Navy man, member of Komsomol. ñëóæáó On 17th of January he was given a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. Shabalin Alexander Osipovich (1914 - 1982), twice the Hero of the Society Union. During the Second World War he was a commander of boat, division of torpedo boats of the Northern and Baltic Fleets. Rare Admiral. Sokolov Boris Makarovich (1927 - 2001), since 1961 he worked as a captain of the first in the world nuclear powered icebreaker "Lenin". Hero of Socialistic Labor. Honored citizen of Murmansk.
Somov Michail Pavlovich (1880 - 1950), doctor of biological sciences, professor, since 1934 worked as a deputy of laboratory of Polar scientific and research marine fishery farm and oceanography, in 1938 - 1941 the deputy of the head of exploration department of "Murmanriba" trust.
Starostin Maxim Ivanovich (1902 - 1948) - party member since 1922. Since 1939 up to 1945 he was the first secretary of the Murmansk Regional Committee, he was decorated with Order of Lenin, Oredr of the Red Satr, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, "Honor sign". Taran Andrey Filippovich (1907 - 1960), since 1931 navigator and captain of some vessels of the trawl fleet, since October of 1937 the deputy of the head of "Murmanriba" trust", since January of 1938 the head of exploration department of "Murmanriba" trust, in1941 - 1945 the deputy of the head Glavsevribprom, since 1945 the head of exploration department of "Murmanriba" trust, in 1954 - 1956 the deputy of the head Glavsevribprom, since 1956 the captain of BMPT-256 "Serafimovich"; the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSRSR.
Ushakov Ivan Federovich (1921 - 2002), historian, doctor of historical sciences, profesor of the Murmansk State Pedagogical Institute. He was the founder of historaical local lore in Zapolyarye. He was decorated with Order of Friendship. Honored citizen of Murmansk.
Fersman Alexander Evgenjevich (1883 - 1945), Soviet geologist, mineralogist, geochemist, geographer, traveller. Academician. Studied the depth of the Kola Peninsula, as a result apatite and nepheline deposits in Khibiny and copper nickel ores in Monchehorsk were discovered. Founder of Kola bas of Academy of Science.
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